PPC add

Setting of PPC (pay per click) from professionals


What PPC add is?

PPC is shorter version of pay per click. PPC is very used marketing tool on the internet.

Ensures increasing of the company’s web site visitors through adds in internet browsers and search. PPC allows companies to increase their turnovers/incomes and at the same time it helps their branding.

Among the biggest PPC add belongs: Sklik, Google Adwords, Facebook, Etarget and of course the foreign ones such as Bing, Conduit, Yandex, Onet, adCenter and more.

PPC Loga

Advantages of PPC

The biggest advantage is perfect measurability and planning ability. The advertiser does not pay for each add but for each click. PPC is an affordable and flexible option which can raise the turnover for any kind of company.

Thanks to PPC add, your add now can be in the first page viewed in the web search. All this, just in 15 minutes. The payment for the brought visitor is dealt individually and you only pay for a real visitor at your page. PPC allows companies to address a costumer when browsing for the specific product and finally when he decides what to do.


Types of PPC

There are more types of viewing the PPC add. One of them is the one that pops out right in the search or browser. This will address the costumer in a second if they are looking for you are offering.

Then there is a contextual add which is viewed if the article corresponds targeting in the conclusion net. You can choose targeting by keywords, interest, age etc. You can offer you services or products to people who look for similar products and services as you offer.

Banner add is another type of PPC add, mostly on Face Book. You can place banner at any information servers and there are obviously lot of them, but Facebook focuses mostly on younger clients.


Whom it may concern?

Any company which would like to get new clients increase the visitors of their web pages or just for branding. PPC allows the right targeting and ensures the higher return of their investments.